Simonit&Sirch's Guyot Methodology

Simonit&Sirch's Guyot Methodology
Price does not include freight ($6)
English Translation. Published 2022.
Only available in Australia. Available in New Zealand through Farmlands
Recent decades have seen a revolution in vine pruning and now arguably the most influential book on the subject is available in English.
In 2003 Marco Simonit, together with his childhood friend and fellow agronomist Pierpaolo Sirch, established SIMONIT&SIRCH, an international vine-pruning consultancy, to bring their new pruning methodology to the world.
First published in Italian in 2014, Guyot Methodology: The Vine Pruning Manuel to Limit Trunk Diseases is a ground-breaking handbook, offering the reader step by step instructions in the renowned Simonit approach to pruning, from vine establishment to maturity.
SIMONIT&SIRCH’s pruning methodology is designed to maximise the health of the vine and to minimise wood disease, and its efficacy has been proven in vineyards across the globe. In Simonit’s words, “In this book, you’ll find a complete picture of what happens inside a plant due to pruning wounds”.
There is also a sister manual for Cordon/Spur pruning. Both these works will be of specific interest to any vineyard owner, any viticulturalist, any pruner, or and student interested in the science and best-practice of pruning.
“Caring about viticultural detail with the same sort of precision has won [Simonit] more than 150 clients around the world, including many of the most revered wine producers of all.” Jancis Robinson,, ‘Marco Simonit – pruning superstar’
“Now the wine world’s foremost pruning guru and vine whisperer, [Marco Simonit's] rise has come from his stunningly simple observation: that severe pruning used in modern... vineyards weakens vines by blocking the flow of their life-giving sap, thereby making them susceptible to disease and premature death.” Robert Camuto, Wine Spectator